Selected Publications
Shirer, H.N. (ed.), 1987: Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Modeling: A Mathematical Introduction. Lecture Notes in Physics, 271, Springer-Verlag, 546 pp.
Haack, T. and H.N. Shirer, 1992: Mixed convective/dynamic roll vortices and their effects on initial wind and temperature profiles. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 49, 1181-1201.
Laufersweiler, M.J., and H.N. Shirer, 1995: A theoretical model of multi-regime convection in a stratocumulus-topped boundary layer. Boundary Layer Meteorology, 73, 373-409.
Shirer, H.N., C.J. Fosmire, R. Wells, and L. Suciu, 1997: Estimating the correlation dimension of atmospheric time series. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 54, 211-229.
Sikora, T.D., G.S. Young, H.N. Shirer, and R. Chapman, 1997: Estimating convective atmospheric boundary layer depth from microwave radar imagery of the sea surface. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 36, 833-845.
Shirer, H.N., G.S. Young, R. Wells, A.N. Rogers, J.P. Rishel, R.A. Mason, L. Suciu, N.S. Winstead, H.W. Henderson, D.K. Rinkder, Jr., J.W. Rohrbach, J. Edson, C. Friehe, S. Wetzel, S. Miller and T. Hristov, 1999: Identifying coherent structures in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. In Air-Sea Exchange--Physics, Chemistry and Dynamics, G.L. Geernaert (Ed.), Klumwer Academic Publishers, 463-505.
Mason, R.A., H.N. Shirer, R. Wells and G.S. Young, 2002. Vertical Transports by Plumes within the Moderately Convective Marine Atmospheric Surface Layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 59, 1337-1355.
Shirer, H.N. W.P. Roeder, H.W. Shirer, D.L. D'Arcangelo, J. Hilliker, J. Koval, N. Magee, and D.W. Mazeroski, 2002. Lightning location methods. In Encyclopedia of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol. 2. J.P. Hornak (Ed.). John Wiley and Sons, 890-955.
Swales, D. J., G. S. Young, T. D. Sikora, N. S. Winstead, and H. N. Shirer, 2012. Synthetic Aperture Radar remote sensing of shear-driven atmospheric internal gravity waves in the vicinity of warm fronts. Monthly Weather Review, 140, 1872-1882.